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Year: 2012  Vol. 16   Num. Suppl. 1  - May - (192º)
DOI: 10.7162/S1809-977720120S1PO-023
Section: 11º CONGRESSO DA FUNDAÇÃO OTORRINOLARINGOLOGIA - Poster Otorhinolaryngology
Texto Text in Portuguese
Ligia Oliveira Gonçalves, Leandro Farias Evangelista, Danilo Santana Rodrigues, Marcela Silva Lima, Míriam Cabral Moreira de Castro, Paulo Fernando Tormim Borges Crosara

INTRODUCTION Amongst the complications most frequent of the tonsillectomy is the bleed, with changeable prevalence of 0,4% 10%. It is considered immediate in first the 24 hours - normally related to the surgical technique or diathesis sanguineous and delayed after 24h - predominantly between the fifth and seventh postoperative day. Feminine STORY OF Patient CASE, 18 years, presented picture of delayed severe hemorrhage after tonsillectomy, needing reproach in surgical center and blood transfusions. Observed pulsatile mass in orofarynx in the twentieth postoperative day that, to the arteriography, showed as pseudoaneurism of common trunk of the tongue and face arteries. It was carried through occlusion and thrombosis of the pseudoaneurism and its nourisher vase with spring, successfully. DISCUSSION: serious hemorrhages that require blood transfusion after tonsillectomy is rare and if they must the surgical injury of vases of medium and great bore. The pseudoaneurism is caused by rupture of the arterial wall with extravasations of blood and formation of bruising that is contained by neighboring fabrics. Hemorrhages after secondary tonsillectomy the pseudoaneurism of the tongue arteries, face and carotid internal had been observed in rare cases between 5h and 8 days postoperative. The false aneurism tends to grow gradually to the measure where clot dissolves itself and more blood flows until the periarterial space, being able to evolve to the formation of great pulsatile mass. Its treatment can be carried through with external tie of the internal or external carotid one, or with arteriography, that has the advantage of being diagnostic and therapeutical procedure, less invasive and more selective, with potential minor to leave scars.



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